
Holistic Therapy Options

My name is Declan and I am qualified in a suite of holistic therapies. My therapies combine to bring you away from the everyday stresses and strains of regular life and put you on a path of healing. This is a very cost effective way of maintaining your health and releiving stress. The therapies work together to strengthen your natual life force and help you to have a better functioning body and mind. Call or email if you would like to know more about how I can help you with the following:

• Reflexology
• Reiki Master
• Aromatherapy
• Bio-Energy
• Holistic Massage
• Hopi Ear Candling


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Having seen the fantastic results and life changing transformation brought about in my own life I decided to begin training and become a Reiki Master, then completed a one year Diploma in Bio-energy with The Bi-Aura Foundation.

It is a wonderful privilege to be able to channel energy and work with a client to assist them in returning to good health or help with overcome a traumatic event in their lives. It is still amazing to see how energy work can transform someone’s life for the better. From the relief of pain to dealing with stress, or helping get over grief by using the natural abilities of energy to bring positive change to our life.

My career before Holistic Therapy was in IT spending many years working in the financial sector. Deciding to change career was a big decision but definitely one I am glad I have taken. I cannot speak highly enough of the virtues of Complementary Alternative Therapies and the major benefits it offers to everyone. Reiki and Bio-energy totally compliment our western medicine and has proven to increase the efficient of our western medication.

Treatments of Reiki, Reflexology, Massage, Bio-Energy, Aromatherapy or Hopi Ear Candling therapies can be at my location in Kilmainham, Dublin 8 or at your home.

If you have any queries or wish to book a therapy, please fill out the contact form.

How can I help you Find out more about my Suite of Therapies


Activates and encourage the body’s own natural ability to heal itself bringing Balance and Harmony to the body, mind and spirit.

Bio Energy

Remove blockages from the chakras allowing your Life Force to flow freely and encouraging your body's natural instinct to heal.


Reflexology brings healing to the body by working reflexes on the Feet, Hands or Face. Specialising in Cancer and Fertility treatments.


Aromatherapy is a healing holistic process that uses natural plant extracts to improve health and well-being. It is sometimes called Essential Oil Therapy.

Holistic Massage

Holistic Massage is based on Swedish Massage and is a body massage which helps relax the body while also calming the mind.

Hopi Ear Candling

Hopi Ear Candling (aka Thermal Auricular Therapy) comes from the traditions of the native American Indians who used Candling for healing & in their ritual ceremonies.

Santé Therapy

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Get in touch with Santé Therapy now to book your session or to find out more about how our therapy sessions can help you.

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