

Every person, animal and living species has an energy field and is referred to as the Auric Field or Aura. This energy field is a fusion of two energies – Universal and Earth Energy. Universal energy emanates for the universe surrounding the earth. Earth energy comes for the planet itself, the force under our feet which brings life to the planet, oceans and all living beings.

Both these energies are often referred to as Chi. Chi is a Chinese word meaning “Life Force”; it is the force which gives us life, the energy the body needs to be alive. To maintain optimal health Chi should circulate throughout the entire body in a smooth undisrupted flow.

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Bio-EnergyThe Chakras

The name Chakra originates for the Sanskrit language meaning Wheel or Disk and there are 7 major chakras in the human energy field. Each chakra is associated with specific physical and emotional functions in the body. Balanced chakras promote wellbeing while blocked chakras may lead to physical and emotional issues

Bio-EnergyThe Chakras and Illness

An illness manifests in a chakra as a imbalance of energy. This illness can be physical, mental, emotional or a combination of any of these. A imbalance may occur in more than one chakra and could have happened at anytime in a person's life.

More About The Seven Chakaras

Bio-EnergyWhat is bio-energy healing and how does it work

Using specific hand movements and hand positions to move energy, I work on my client's chakras and energy field to initiate and assist the natural healing process of the body by bringing balance to the client's energy field. The natural instinct of the body is to heal, by removing blockages it is normally only a matter of time before the healing process begins. Bio-Energy works to remove the blockages from the chakras, this enables the Chi or Life Force to flow freely and encourage the natural instinct of the body to heal.

Santé Therapy

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